So it's been a few days, but currently without internet at home so snatching a few minutes on a public system. It's been absolutely crazy the last couple of days getting the new flat together, prepping for the course, squeezing information out of firms, etc etc...
Arrived in MCR Wednesday, caught up with Phil (flatmate), re-oriented the room, got unpacked, made a list of further stuff to do.
Thursday mad dash to town to sort out council tax (STILL not exempt), Argos for home supplies, BHS for bits and bobs, then Thursday afternoon MEGA shop in Morrisons, had to taxi back with all our stuff.
Friday a good day, got Homes4U to show me the full rostrum of incriminating photos (they're in the right!), lunch with Awenna (very helpful and fun!), and ordered desk from a store in Didsbury. It's all coming together!
Off to Liverpool this avo to meet the folks with Phil and check out the Klimt exhibit 0 I love my birthdays! Probably work towards start of the course the next two days, then hit the induction of Tuesday with my runing shoes on! Wish me luck!
Back in Manchester tomorrow, can't fucking wait! New neighbourhood, new flat, new course, gonna be fantastic. Also hearing good things from a couple of firms, so very pleased with that. Actually can't wait for the new course, gonna be so much better than uni.
This 'bug' has got me and I'm unable to do much today. Typical rainy Bak Holiday. Currently watching Stagecoach, the great Western. I reckon it would work well in the theatre, a lot of over the top characters and 3-act structure. Hmmm...
...welcome to the Internet's newest blog! I suddenly decided to set this up on a whim, as I do with most of my life. Never put more than a day's work into deciding anything, me. Still, this costs nothing so I thought why the hell not. Anyway, justifications over with, this is what I'm thinking right now.
Got back from an insane three days at the Edinburgh Festival yesterday, so absolutely exhausted but also very happy. Saw 12 shows in three days, including Rhod Gilbert (perfect), a transsexual female comedienne (wry, interesting), and a lorra lorra rainy street theatre. Bloody brilliant, inspiring almost. I've often thought I'd like to be a performer in some capacity, nice to see people going up there in their thousands to have a go themselves. And hats off to the wonderful city of Edinboro for devoting itself entirely to the event. The only downside was on the last night when the last gig I'd booked got cancelled. This was following my having walked all the way up Cowgate and back to see it in the sodding rain! Never mind.
So back to reality now. Leaving for Manchester in a few days, moving into **SHOCK** a flat with another man, I'm sure Phil and I will keep it spotless, for the first time ever. Looking forward to my new course and meeting new people, less looking forward to having to grovel to law firms over the next year in search of a TC. Gotta b done though. The economic slowdown might bring everything to a halt as it is, but I'm more than prepared to beaver away for as long as necessary. And of course there's always the pro bono community.
That's it really, I've enjoyed it, hope you have, speak soon!
Got back from an insane three days at the Edinburgh Festival yesterday, so absolutely exhausted but also very happy. Saw 12 shows in three days, including Rhod Gilbert (perfect), a transsexual female comedienne (wry, interesting), and a lorra lorra rainy street theatre. Bloody brilliant, inspiring almost. I've often thought I'd like to be a performer in some capacity, nice to see people going up there in their thousands to have a go themselves. And hats off to the wonderful city of Edinboro for devoting itself entirely to the event. The only downside was on the last night when the last gig I'd booked got cancelled. This was following my having walked all the way up Cowgate and back to see it in the sodding rain! Never mind.
So back to reality now. Leaving for Manchester in a few days, moving into **SHOCK** a flat with another man, I'm sure Phil and I will keep it spotless, for the first time ever. Looking forward to my new course and meeting new people, less looking forward to having to grovel to law firms over the next year in search of a TC. Gotta b done though. The economic slowdown might bring everything to a halt as it is, but I'm more than prepared to beaver away for as long as necessary. And of course there's always the pro bono community.
That's it really, I've enjoyed it, hope you have, speak soon!
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